What is the difference between polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels?

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1. appearance difference from the appearance of the above, the four corners of the single crystal cell board are arc-shaped, and there is no pattern on the surface. Monocrystalline panels all look the same on the surface. The four corners of the polycrystalline panel show square corners, with patterns, polycrystalline colorful and polycrystalline less colorful, like snowflake crystal patterns on snowflake iron sheets, in light blue.
1. appearance difference
From the appearance of the above, the four corners of the single crystal panel are arc-shaped, and the surface has no pattern. Monocrystalline panels all look the same on the surface. The four corners of the polycrystalline panel show square corners, with patterns, polycrystalline colorful and polycrystalline less colorful, like snowflake crystal patterns on snowflake iron sheets, in light blue. The surface of the polycrystalline panel looks like there is a lot of broken glass in it, shining.
2. manufacturing process difference
The difference between monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon lies in their atomic structure arrangement. Single crystal is ordered and polycrystalline is disordered, which is mainly determined by their processing technology. Polycrystalline is mostly produced by casting method, that is, silicon material is directly poured into a crucible for melting and shaping, while single crystal is modified by Siemens method. Czochralski process is a process of atomic structure reorganization.
The energy consumed in the manufacturing process of polycrystalline solar panels is about 30% less than that of monocrystalline solar panels. Therefore, polycrystalline solar panels account for a large share of the total output of global solar panels, and the manufacturing cost is also less than that of monocrystalline solar panels.


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