Analysis of solar photovoltaic power generation will produce pollution?

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Household photovoltaic power stations are generally composed of solar panels, photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic brackets and photovoltaic special cables; the power generation principle of photovoltaic power stations is to directly convert light energy into DC power through the operation of semiconductors, and then pass The photovoltaic inverter converts the direct current into alternating current that we can use normally.
1. Is there radiation for photovoltaic power generation installed on the roof?
Household photovoltaic power stations are generally composed of solar panels, photovoltaic inverters, photovoltaic brackets and photovoltaic cables; the power generation principle of photovoltaic power stations is to directly convert light energy into DC power through the operation of semiconductors, and then convert DC power through photovoltaic inverters It is an alternating current that we can use normally. During the whole process, chemical changes and nuclear reactions do not occur. Therefore, photovoltaic power generation does not produce radiation. Therefore, when installing photovoltaic power plants, we do not have to worry about radiation. Photovoltaic power generation is an inexhaustible, non-polluting, non-radiation clean energy.
2, photovoltaic power generation will be harmful to your body?
Photovoltaic solar power has no radiation, and power generation can also reflect harmful ultraviolet rays in the sun. Therefore, solar panels are not only harmless, but also help us avoid some harmful ultraviolet rays! In addition, photovoltaic power generation is a new clean energy. Each time a photovoltaic power station generates electricity, it is equivalent to saving 0.4KG of standard coal and reducing pollution emissions of 0.272kg of carbon dust, 0.997kg of carbon dioxide, 0.03kg of sulfur dioxide and 0.015kg of nitrogen oxides. In this way, our air quality will be better and better, and the smog will be reduced. Therefore, photovoltaic power generation is not only harmful to our health, but also beneficial to our health!


How to optimize the photovoltaic solar power system?

Power inverter is the key electronic component of solar power generation system. In commercial applications, these components connect photovoltaic (PV) panels, batteries that store electrical energy, and a local power distribution system or utility grid.

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The design of solar panel capacity is very important, and the capacity size Z finally reflects how much solar energy resources can be used. Solar panel capacity design is very simple, solar panel capacity mainly refers to the storage energy of solar panels.
